Centralized vacuum systems

Cyclovac difference

Quality first

Cyclovac has top quality high-end products, which are manufactured in Canada, with great warranties that will exceed the needs of your customers.


Leader in research and development, Cyclovac is always innovating; introducing new products and improved technologies.

Exceptional Service

High quality professional service to partners and clients. Fast and accurate handling of orders and deliveries. Training, support and development to ensure your success.

The ABC's of the Cyclo Vac System

A centralized suction system is made up of three different parts: a central unit, a network of pipes, and the terminals. With this, we make cleaning more comfortable, much less noisy and, above all, much more efficient because we invest less time and the cleaning is greater since the considerable losses that other vacuum systems have are avoided.

A. A central unit

This unit will be permanently installed in the garage, machine room, cabinets, etc.
A central vacuum is a silent and powerful motor with a metallic body and optimal filtration that ensure a higher performance (50% more at least) than a conventional vacuum cleaner, therefore daily cleaning is done in less time and with more efficiency.
With the multiple filtering system and by locating the central unit away from the vacuum area, it reduces allergy symptoms by up to 40%

A central unit Cyclovac

B. Pipe network

Hidden in the walls or ceilings of the house.
We use 2" diameter (50.8mm) PVC pipes with anti-static treatment and ASTM F2158 certificate, with different connecting pieces in the form of elbows, curves, etc.

Pipe network Cyclovac

C. Four types of terminals

Connected to the central uni trough the pipe network and a low votage dietricol
We have four different types of fittings: the traditional fittings where different types of hose can be connected, the Retraflex system of retractable hoses, the central
collectors and the Wally Flex expandable hoses.

Four types of terminals Cyclovac

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